NOTE: Old, New, Fairview, and Memorial each refers to one of the four cemeteries that make up Madison's Historic Cemeteries. See maps here.
Surname - H
Hackney, Andrew Jonathan (Memorial)
Hagin, Dale Ranew (Memorial)
Hagin, James Dewey, Jr. (Memorial)
Hahn, Twyla Doremus (Fairview)
Hall, Bella (Old)
Hall, Cornelia (Fairview)
Hall, Doris Denny (Fairview)
Hall, Gertrude Elizabeth Lynch (Fairview)
Hall, Julia Mae Frances Cargile (New)
Hall, Leonard (Fairview)
Hall, Leroy Demory (Memorial)
Hall, Linton (Fairview)
Hall, Louella Early (Fairview)
Hall, Hixey (Old)
Hall, Mattie Annette (Memorial)
Hall, Odessa Allen (Memorial)
Hall, Walter Joseph, Jr. (Fairview)
Hall, Will S. (Fairview)
Hames, Baker (New)
Hames, John (New)
Hames, Mary M. Hester (New - likely)
Hancock, Green C. (New/CSA)
Hanes, Carl Jackson, Sr. (Memorial)
Hanes, Cobb Lester (Memorial)
Hanes, Florine Whisnante (Memorial)
Hanes, George Jackson (Memorial)
Hanes, Lucy Mae Floyd (Memorial)
Hannah, Laura Carroll "Dot" Atkinson (New)
Hannah, George Edward (Memorial)
Hannah, Homer Richmond, Sr. (New)
Hanner, Eva Winter (New)
Hanner, Jeffie P. Snellings (Old)
Hanner, John Christopher (Old)
Hanner, Katherine O'Flagherty (Old)
Hanner, William Asbury (Old)
Hansford, Fannie Madora Snellings (New)
Hansford, Joel M. Mack (New)
Hansford, Marion Elmer (New)
Hansford, Oppie Estelle (New)
Hanson, Beatrice Booth (Fairview)
Hanson, Edith Theny Simons (Memorial)
Hanson, George N. (Memorial)
Hanson, George W., Jr. (Memorial)
Hanson, Hugh Carroll (Memorial)
Hanson, James F. (Old)
Hanson, Joel Crawford (Memorial)
Hanson, Kitty Mae Crawford (Memorial)
Hanson, Mildred H. (Memorial)
Hanson, Oscar Thomas (Fairview)
Hanson, Sylvia Harper (Memorial)
Hanson, Victoria V. Cox (Old)
Hardaway, Maria E. (Old)
Hardy, Bascom Homer, Jr. (Memorial)
Hardy, Annie Belle O'Dillon (Memorial)
Harley, James Nicholson (Memorial)
Harper, Dewey Lester (Memorial)
Harper, George Lee (Memorial)
Harper, James Henry (Memorial)
Harper, Mary Lee Moon (Memorial)
Harper, Sarah Elizabeth Connell (Memorial)
Harper, Willie M. McHugh (Memorial)
Harrell, Herman L. (Old)
Harrell, Nicholas Jefferson (Old)
Harridge, Dale Scott (Memorial)
Harridge, Fred Albert, Jr. (Memorial)
Harridge, Fred Albert, Sr. (Memorial)
Harridge, Melvin M. (Memorial)
Harridge, Velva LaVaun Hickman (Memorial)
Harris, Abie Alexander (Memorial)
Harris, Albert Thomas (Fairview)
Harris, Allene Dorothy (Fairview)
Harris, Allie Jeanette Adams (Fairview)
Harris, Elizabeth S. (Old)
Harris, Frances Lou Whitaker (Fairview)
Harris, Frank (New)
Harris, G. (New)
Harris, Jeptha Vining (Old)
Harris, George (Fairview)
Harris, George, Sr. (Memorial)
Harris, Gus, Sr. (Fairview)
Harris, Infant (Old)
Harris, Jesse Dillard, Sr. (Fairview)
Harris, Jimmy Rogers (Fairview)
Harris, John Dillard Jr. (Fairview)
Harris, John Oliver, Sr. (Fairview)
Harris, Latitia Birts (Fairview)
Harris, Lucius Mathews (New)
Harris, Martha C. (Old)
Harris, Mattie P. (Memorial)
Harris, Mildred Haman (Memorial)
Harris, Pearlie Mae Ward (Fairview)
Harris, Plummer L. (Fairview)
Harris, Sarah Carter Hunt (Old)
Harris, Sarah Frances Baldwin (Fairview)
Harris, Susie (Fairview)
Harriss, Elizabeth Penick (Fairview)
Harriss, Jesse (Fairview)
Harriss, Robert Stovall (Fairview)
Hart, Allie Carroll (New)
Hart, Maud Atkinson (New)
Hart, W.T. (Old/CSA*)
Harwell, Adelaide L. (Memorial)
Harwell, Agnes Daniel (Fairview)
Harwell, Cornelius Griffin, Jr. (Memorial)
Harwell, Cornelius Griffin, Sr. (Fairview)
Harwell, Crystal G. (Memorial)
Harwell, Dewitt (Fairview)
Harwell, Littleton T. (probably Fairview)
Harwell, Lucy Walker (Fairview)
Harwell, Martha A. Campbell (Fairview?)
Harwell, Mattie V. (Fairview)
Harwell, Ouida Horton (Fairview)
Harwell, Verna G. Pennington (Fairview)
Hatch, Elizabeth Speed (Old)
Hatchell, Isabelle Allen (Memorial)
Hatchell, James Pierce (Memorial)
Hawk, Eunice Ashe (Memorial)
Hawk, Thomas H. (Memorial)
Hawkins, Alma Leona Peters (Memorial)
Hawkins, James Lamar (Memorial)
Hawkins, Jereius (Memorial)
Hawkins, Mary Ann Blackstock (Memorial)
Hawkins, Walter N. (Memorial)
Hayes, Anna Hill Bowles (Old)
Hayes, Ann Elizabeth (Fairview)
Hayes, Ernest W. (Fairview)
Hayes, Mary Nell Craig (Fairview)
Haygood, Mary Jane Williford (New)
Haygood, William B. (New)
Hays, Anna Hill Bowles (Old)
Head, Bessie Roberta Jones (Memorial)
Head, Florence M. "Bill" (Memorial)
Head, George W. (Fairview)
Head, Hattie Ballard (Memorial)
Head, Hester (Old)
Head, J. Pierce (Memorial)
Head, J.R. (New)
Head, James L. (New)
Head, Jerry (New)
Head, Jerry, Sr. (New)
Head, Johnny E. (New)
Head, Mattie Lou Mize (Fairview)
Head, Moody (New)
Head, Norma Ann Rice (Memorial)
Head, Patricia Ann (Fairview)
Head, Sidney (New)
Head, William (Old)
Head, William H. (Memorial)
Head, Willie Mae King (New)
Heard, Harriet Magrouder (Old)
Hearn, Cynthia Catherine Williams (New)
Hearn, James Russell, Sr. (Unknown)
Height, Emma Lou Massey (Fairview)
Height, Howard (Fairview)
Hemperley, Mamie Bearden Hendrix (Fvw)
Hemperley, Walter C. (Fairview)
Henderson, Annie Yerby (Fairview)
Henderson, Martha Bonner (New)
Henderson, R.B. (Fairview)
Hendrix, Arthur Gordon (Fairview)
Hendrix, Infant (Fairview)
Hendrix, Jimmy Bearden, Jr. (Fairview)
Hendrix, John James Washington (Fairview)
Hendrix, Johnny Lee (Memorial)
Hendrix, Joseph Walter, Sr. (Fairview)
Hendrix, Nora Lee Whitsel (Fairview)
Hendrix, Retha Nell Briscoe (Fairview)
Hendrix, Roy W. (Fairview)
Hendrix, Suellen Hunt (Fairview)
Hendrix, Vinnie Gurley (Fairview)
Hendrix, William Arthur (Fairview)
Hensler, Doris Mobley (Memorial)
Hensler, James Carter (Memorial)
Hensler, Joseph Hamilton (Memorial)
Hensler, Ovaline Moss (Memorial)
Hensler, Sidney Lanier (Memorial)
Hensley, Georgia Tamplin (Memorial)
Hensley, Grady Elbert, Jr. (Memorial)
Hensley, Harold Kenneth (Memorial)
Hensley, Lemuel Arvelow (Memorial)
Hensely, Susan Adare (Memorial)
Henson, Kirk Edward (Memorial)
Herbert, Dorothy Mae Conner (Memorial)
Herndon, Sara Tate (Memorial)
Herndon, Hubert Gambrell (Memorial)
Herod, James Wesley (New)
Herod, Mary (New)
Herod, Robert W. (New)
Herren, Carrie Belle Almand (Memorial)
Herren, C.C. "Buck" (Memorial)
Herren, Rosalyn Rish (Memorial)
Herren, Todd (Memorial)
Herren, Samuel Gresham (Memorial)
Herring, Tara Lynn Stapp (Memorial)​
Hertz, Francis Sumpter (UNK)
Hester, Jessie Arrington (New)
Hester, James Harold (Fairview)
Hester, Leila McDowell (New)
Hester, Margaret K. McDowell Alliston (N)
Hester, W.A. (New)
Hester, William H. (New)
Heyser, John. Jr. (New)
Heyser, Mary L. Dyer (New)
Heyser, Sarah Yost (New)
Hicks, Lavenia Carbine (New)
Hicky, Bonnie Rae Long (Old)
Hicky, Carson Page (Old)
Hicky, Dan McHenry, Jr. (Old)
Hicky, Dan McHenry, Sr. (Old)
Hicky, Hattie Mina Reid (Old)
Hicky, Louise Marion McHenry (Old)
Higginbotham, Alice Gregory (New)
Higginbotham, Effie Mae (New)
Higginbotham, Millard Hill, Jr. (New)
Higginbotham, Millard Hill, Sr. (New)
Higginbotham, Rufus Hough (New)
Higgins, Annie Pauline Harris (Memorial)
Higgins, Otis, Jr. (Memorial)
High, Dora (Old)
High, Elizabeth Cook Emerson (Old)
High, Ella M. (Old)
High, Emma (Old)
High, Freddie Lee (Old)
High, Joseph Richardson (Old)
High, Mark Emerson (Old)
High, Martha Thomas (New)
High, William L. (New)
Hight, Henry (New)
Hight, Irene Turner (New)
Hight, John (New)
Hight, Julia (New)
Hight, Kate H. (New)
Hill, Clarence (Old)
Hill, Dorothy (Fairview)
Hill, Emily Reid (Old)
Hill, Hugh Legare (Old)
Hill, John Edward (Old)
Hill, Joshua, Jr. (Old)
Hill, Roosevelt (Fairview)
Hill, Walter Scott (Old)
Hills, Dorothy Cox Mapp (Fairview)
Hilsman, Ann (Old)
Hilsman, Anna Mabel (Old)
Hilsman, Betty Lou (Memorial)
Hilsman, Dorothy Lancaster (Memorial)
Hilsman, Donald Eugene (Memorial)
Hilsman (Doremus), Frances Elizabeth (Old)
Hilsman, Joseph Bennett Augustus (Old)
Hilsman, Joseph Henry (Old)
Hilsman, Porter Stokes (Old)
Hilsman, Robert Toombs, Sr. (Memorial)
Hilsman, Sarah Medora Freeman (Old)
Hilsman, Thomas Henry (Old)
Hilsman, Tommie Barrett (Old)
Hilsman, W.C. (Old)
Hires, Michael Lawrence, Sr. (Memorial)
Hitchcock, Sara Frances (Memorial)​
Hobson (Old/CSA*)
Hodnett, Bruce D. (Fairview)
Hodnett, Mattie Ree Boone (Fairview)
Hodnett, Ernest Grady (Fairview)
Hogan, Bobby Joe (Memorial)
Hogan, Gladys Rachel Massey (M)
Hogan, Henry Grady, Sr. (Memorial)
Hogan, James L. (Memorial)
Hogan, Lois E. (Memorial)
Hogan, Mary Clair H. (Memorial)
[Hogue Family] Easter (New)
Hogue, James Sansom (New)
Hogue, Paul (New)
Hogue, Porter Burnett (New)
Holden, Mattie Bell Little (Fairview)
Holland, Cornelia Taylor (Old)
Holland, Jonas Herman, Jr. (Old)
Holland, Kate H. (Old)
Holland, Lula Trammell Wofford (Old)
Holland, Roy Fowler (Memorial)
Holland, Thomas Harris (Old)
Holland, W.W. (New/CSA)
Holland, Wade Hampton, Jr. (Old)
Hollingsworth, Anna Maria (Old)
Hollingsworth, Charles J. (Old)
Hollingsworth, James Henry (Old)
Hollingsworth, Sarah E. Reese (Old)
Hollingsworth, William T. (Old)
Hollis, John Thomas (Fairview)
Hollis, Mabelle Curtis (Fairview)
Holloway, Maggie Martin Burney (New)
Holmes, Cammie Pickett (Memorial)
Holmes, Canady Lee (Fairview)
Holmes, John Paul (Memorial)
Holmes, Sidney Rankin (Memorial)
Holmes, William H. (Fairview)
Hood, Bessie Hight (New)
Hood, George G. (Memorial)
Hood, Jessie Craig (Memorial)
Hope, Rufus Sr. (Fairview)
Hopkins, Arthur Elwood (Memorial)
Hopkins, Mamie R. Knox (Memorial)
Horton, Bobbie (Memorial)
Horton, Ruby (Memorial)
Hossler, George Edward (Memorial)
Hossler, Helen L. Radcliffe (Memorial)
Hough, Alveron Sanford (Old)
Hough, Charles L. (New)
Hough, Ephraim III (Old)
Hough, Mary Frances Brown (Old)
Hough, William Augustus "Will" (Old)
Houghton, ? (New)
Houghton, Cassie Estelle (Fairview)
Houghton, Ira Dolvin (Fairview)
Houghton, James Redic (Fairview)
Houghton, Jesse Joiner (Fairview)
Houghton, Jesse Redic (Fairview)
Houghton, John H. (Fairview)
Houghton, Lucy A. (Fairview)
Houghton, Martha (Fairview)
Howard, Bessie C. (Fairview)
Howard, Fanny R. (Old)
Howard, Hannah Peacock Ball (Old)
Howard, Irene Moore (Fairview)
Howard, Johnnie (Fairview)
Howard, Minnie Belle (Fairview)
Howard, Otelia Jackson (Fairview)
Howard, Sterling (Old)
Howell, Annie Laura (Fairview)
Howell, Bertha Mae Carter (Fairview)
Howell, Eddie Jr. (Fairview)
Howell, Edwin L (Fairview)
Howell, Jedediah L. (New)
Howell, John M. (New)
Howell, Larry Donnell (Fairview)
Howell, Kathryn R. Henson (Memorial)
Howell, Marshall (Fairview)
Howell, Mary (New)
Howell, Mary M. Stewart (Memorial)
Howell, Nathan (Fairview)
Howell, Tommy Lee (Fairview)
Howell, Tracy Lee Brown (Fairview)
Howell, Wilburn Maurice (Fairview)
Howell, William Alford (Memorial)
Howell, Willie Clarence (Fairview)
Howell, Willie Lee (Fairview)
Howser, James Donald (Memorial)
Hubbard, Erasmus (New/CSA)
Hubbard, Ivah Dickson (Fairview)
Hubbard, James Maxie (Fairview)
Hubbard, Janie Lois Dorsey (Fairview)
Hubbard, Robert Lee (Fairview)
Hudson, Eldred Paschal, Sr. (Memorial)
Hudson, Henry (Fairview)
Hudson, Jean Tatum (Memorial)
Hudson, John Edward (Memorial)
Hudson, Lena Robinson (Fairview)
Huff, Bonnie Black (Fairview)
Huff, Doyle L. (Memorial)
Huff, Juanita Burroughs (Memorial)
Huff, Roy Barnett, Sr. (Fairview)
Huff, William Herschel (Fairview)
Hughes, Carter Franklin (Fairview)
Hughes, Dallas Cornelia Aaron (Fairview)
Hughes, Dewitt Franklin (Fairview)
Hughes, Willie Mae Millwood (Fairview)
Hume, Addie Cordelia Amiss (New)
Hume, Addie Lee (New)
Hume, Anna Moore (New)
Hume, Benjamin Lowen (New)
Hume, Benjamin Lowen, Jr. (New)
Hume, Benjamin Lowen, Sr. (New)
Hume, Clyde Veal (New)
Hume, Edward L. (New)
Hume, Elizabeth Pauline Chambers (N)
Hume, James Veal (New)
Hume, Joseph A. (New)
Hume, Mary Ben (New)
Hunt, Caroline H. Candler (Fairview)
Hunt, Lowery Weyman, Sr. (Fairview)
Hunter, Alice (Fairview)
Hunter, Clark (New)
Hunter, Ida Glenn Clark (New)
Hunter, John Hudson (New)
Hunter, Nathan Hudson (Old)
Hurst, John Lane (New)
Hurst, Sara Evelyn (New)
Hurst, William Elijah (New)
Hurt, Baby (Fairview)
Hurt, W.K. (Old/CSA*)
Hutchins, Eva V. Jackson (New)
Hymer, Elmer Delane "Abe" (Fairview)
Hymer, P. Jean Hancock (Fairview)
*cenotaph only; mass grave in New/CSA